Interesting research topics for students
Sunday, August 23, 2020
How to Purify Sodium Chloride From Rock Salt
Step by step instructions to Purify Sodium Chloride From Rock Salt Rock salt or halite is a mineral the contains sodium chloride (table salt) just as different minerals and pollutions. You can expel the vast majority of these contaminants utilizing two straightforward decontamination methods: filtration and dissipation. Materials Rock saltWaterSpatulaFilter paperFunnelEvaporating dishBeaker or graduated cylinderTripodBunsen burner Filtration On the off chance that the stone salt is one enormous lump, crush it into a powder utilizing a mortar and pestle or an espresso grinder.Add 30-50 milliliters of water to 6 storing spatula scoops of rock salt.Stir to break down the salt.Place the channel paper in the mouth of the funnel.Place the dissipating dish under the pipe to gather the liquid.Slowly empty the stone salt arrangement into the pipe. Ensure you dont over-fill the channel. You dont need the fluid to stream around the highest point of the channel paper since then it isnt getting filtered.Save the fluid (filtrate) that gets through the channel. Huge numbers of the mineral contaminants didn't break down in the water and were deserted on the channel paper. Vanishing Spot the vanishing dish containing the filtrate on the tripod.Position the Bunsen burner under the tripod.Slowly and cautiously heat the dissipating dish. In the event that you apply an excess of warmth, you could break the dish.Gently heat the filtrate until all the water is no more. Its alright if the salt precious stones murmur and move a little.Turn off the burner and gather your salt. Albeit a few contaminations stay in the materials, a significant number of them were evacuated just by utilizing the distinction in solvency in water, mechanical filtration, and by applying warmth to drive off unstable mixes. Crystallization In the event that you need to additionally purge the salt, you can break down your item in heated water and solidify the sodium chloride from it.
Friday, August 21, 2020
Journal Reflection for Human Capital Management - myassignmenthelp
Question: Talk about theJournal Reflection for Human Capital Management. Answer: Retailing is characterized as a lot of business activities that improve the estimation of products and ventures offered to customers for individual use while the retailer is the name of the business occupied with the abovementioned. Retailers have a job in meeting the purchaser need through profiting items at the ideal spot at that point and in the correct amount and cost. Retailers make an immense commitment to the Canadian economy as confirm by the $ 505 billion deals in 2014, over half of Canada economy is in the hands of the retailers. Retailers offer a few open doors for people to build up their professions just as those with enterprising aptitudes to set up them. Overseeing of the retail business accompanies a ton of obstacles firm rivalry being in the front line. The Intertype, intertype and mixed product all offer a wide scope of rivalry for the retailer (Hul, 1997). The administration of retail shops should settle on the best choices in regards to the most famous retail blend, factors that impact buy choices and the methods of showing the product. Morals are the rules that control how people and organizations carry on such that assembles a satisfactory affiliation. Various retailers have a one of a kind code of morals that enables the workers to do the correct things. Retailers come in differing types the fundamental ones are; Retail establishments, these are retailers who bargain in a wide scope of product organized in the classification into differing areas of the physical retail space. Grocery stores, manage different types of food and refreshments as we as home items, garments and hardware (Bogardus, 1964). Claim to fame retailers, they spend significant time in a novel class of products. Markdown retailer, they sell a wide scope of products which are regularly private named Portable retailer, do their exchanges by means of a versatile stage yet no physical shipment of items to the buyers. Distribution center retailers, stock their offices in huge stockrooms. The idea of items sold shifts however are pressed in gigantic amounts which are sold at lower costs than the retail value (Farfan, 2017). A shoppers choice on buy initially started by perceiving the need, either through utilitarian or libertine, subsequently, customers look for data in regards to a few retailers before choosing the ones that best suit their interest. The buy choice may be influenced by factors like social experience, experience, force and status too incitement (Berliant Raa, 1988). In an offer to pull in more customers to their store retailers utilize music and visual presentations. Along with this, some put across exhibits and fragrances to make an additionally engaging shopping experience. Their flyers and lists are likewise planned with illustrations and photos for customer incitement. A market portion is a gathering of buyers will comparative needs. The market division permits the retailers to recognize a market specialty and offer items which are expended in the region. The market division is done dependent on geographic areas that is isolating the purchasers dependent on their nations or locales, likewise, demography is a factor in division where the sex of the customers is utilized to characterize them. The utilization of geodemographic set up purchasers dependent on their purchasing propensities. The way of life purchasing circumstance and advantages looked for after are for the most part different ways retailers use to assemble shoppers needs. A retail showcase is a lot of clients whose necessities meet. For a retailer to build up an upper hand which the business can continue the necessities to fortify his bond with the shoppers and providers. Moreover, the inner tasks ought to as effective as could be expected under the circumstances and the brand picture made solid. For the business to develop the retailer can seek after market entrance, this will include investing more energy on the current retailing arrangement to arrive at a greater level of the current customers. This is finished by setting up approaches to make more purchasers pulled in to the store (Jones Shaw, 2006). Besides, the retailer can go to the market extension where he utilizes the present configuration towards drawing in new market portions. Additionally, he may consider retail design improvement where he goes for an alternate retail configuration to meet the new needs in the present market. A last choice will be enhancement where the retailer will utilize current deals organization to cook for a developing business sector fragment not as of now served. The advancement of a methodology is a stepwise procedure which includes the meaning of the business crucial, the circumstance, recognizing the vital chances, assessment options, characterizing the particular targets and distributing assets, produce appropriate retail blend lastly assessing the exhibition and making essential changes. Human asset the board focus on the arrangement of accessible human man asset to the short and long haul objectives of the retail. Powerful chiefs will work well with the representatives thus maintaining a strategic distance from visit takeoff, when workers are all around prepared they will have what it takes to set up the store outwardly likewise, business whose workers offer extraordinary administrations will be route in front of the contenders (Armstrong, 2006). The structure of the association considers the degree of centralisation of dynamic and approaches material in planning product and the executives of the store. Centralization involves appointing errands to the corporate directors while decentralization is portrayed by an assignment of power to the lower levels of the retail. Pay of representatives follows a composed approach that shows what assignments the workers are capable and qualified for, motivators, for example, commission and rewards are utilized as rousing elements. Likewise, the way of life of the association assumes a job in the remuneration plot. Enrollment of workers should be possible by utilization of the present set as a scout just as focusing on the minority, settlers and the seniors. There are a few patterns in human asset that the retailers must consider one such issue is assorted variety the executives. Moreover, lawful and administrative issues, for example, work relations. Representatives wellbeing and wellbeing, just as remuneration, must be thought of. Shrinkage is lost stock coming about because of workers or shoppers shoplifting, scattering or harm. Its crucial to control to improve the retail execution (Wood, 2009). References Armstrong, M., 2006. Human capital administration. A Handbook of Human Resource Management Practice, s.l.: Kogan Page Publishers. Berliant, M. Raa, T. T., 1988. An establishment of area hypothesis: Consumer inclinations and request. Diary of Economic Theory, 44(2), p. 336. Bogardus, E., 1964. Standards of Cooperation., Chicago, Illinois: The Cooperative League of the U.S.A. Farfan, B., 2017. the parity. [Online] Available at: [Accessed 28 September 2017]. Hul, M. D. L. a. C. J.- C., 1997. the effects of music on shoppers' responses to sitting tight for administrations. Diary of Retailing, 73(1), p. 87104. Jones, B. D. G. Shaw, E. H., 2006. A History of Marketing Thought, Handbook of Marketing. s.l. Weitz, Barton A.; Wensley, Robin. Wood, D. G. C. . G., 2009. Human asset the executives: A basic methodology. In: D. G. . W. G. Collings, ed. Human asset the board: A basic methodology. London: Routledge, pp. 1-15.
Thursday, July 9, 2020
Humbert Humbert and Cue - Literature Essay Samples
in the destructive element immerse(from Lord Jim, by Joseph Conrad)Through the lens of Humbert Humberts obsession with la nymphette Lolita, (Lo-lee-ta light of my life, fire of my loins(9)), Nabokov explores and illuminates the cyclical and ever deepening spiral of human desire. Humbert Humbert, thrown back and forth between desire and decision, the two things that create a live world(71), crosses countless times the slim and shadowy line between purest ecstasy and most wretched despair. In Lolita, Nabokov blurs the defining lines between love and perversion, right and wrong, presenting them, in uncomfortably close juxtaposition, as essentially dependent upon each other.Humbert Humbert is a tortured man, deeply divided between a sensitive rationality, and his undeniable lust for a forbidden and unripened fruit. United in him are the impulses of a romantic European gentleman, and the obsessions of a lascivious and lecherous old man silently lusting after the tantalizingly ephemera l nymphet he is a volatile, fatal juxtaposition of opposite extremes. After years of this silent lust, of abusing himself in the dark(88), Humbert Humbert finds Lolita. An ultimate nymphet, Dolly Haze gives herself up to H.H.s desire, going with him on a perverse holiday across the American landscape. This satisfaction of [Humbert Humberts] passion(175) is the seed of his own destruction. It is at this point in the novel that the reader discerns in its entirety the complex tragedy of Humbert Humbert. In his capacity, he loves Lolita with all the tenderness in his heart, ( I loved her hopelessly it was love at first sight, at last sight, at ever and ever sight(270)); his love transcends his lust for her as a nymphet and he is painfully aware of the harm he inflicts upon her, but he cannot ignore his desires and carnal passions: The moral sense in mortals is the duty we have to pay on mortal sense of duty.(283) As his tortured pleasure spree continues ( a paradise whose skies were the color of hell flames(166)), Humbert Humberts guilt and self-loathing heighten, manifesting themselves in Quilty, the phantom follower, that red ghost swimming and shivering with lust in my mirror(217). Cue enters the novel as a representation of Humbert Humberts ÂÅ'destructive element; a decadent and salacious paedophile, Quilty is a personification of the depravity that is H.Hs downfall he is the demon, and with every paranoid glimpse of Cue, Humbert Humbert is confronted with his transgressions against Lolitas soul.The full impact of Humbert Humberts guilt doesnt strike until he visits Mrs. Richard F. Schiller, and sees with brutal and overwhelming clarity the destruction he has brought upon her. Imploring her to come away with him, to live happily ever after(278) with him, Humbert Humbert pleads for his life, knowing that unless he has the chance to love Lolita the no-longer-nymphet, he can never forgive himself his sins against her; when she refuses him, he under stands the ultimate and irrevocable nature of his transgressions. . At this realization, his anger toward Quilty the demon-shadow who has ÂÅ'cheated [him] of [his] redemption'(300), overwhelms him. In a fantastical, comical, and surreal sequence, Nabokov pits Humbert the Moral against his inhabiting devil. It is a grueling exorcism; Humbert Humbert, flounders ineptly with ÂÅ'Chum, the devil bargains for survival, but finally, Humbert Humbert kills the demon. In the only conceivable penance, Humbert Humbert kills Cue, committing a symbolic suicide. In routing out the demon, H.H. destroys so great a part of himself that he is left a withered shell, containing nothing but his dark and tragic story. ÂÅ'One ha[s] to choose between [Quilty] and H.H.'(309), but H.H. does not exist as an entity separate from his ÂÅ'destructive element. He remains only a witness; once he has told his story he submits to his inevitable and necessary death.Nabokov asserts that between ÂÅ'desire a nd decision'(71), Humbert Humbert cannot win. He ÂÅ'give[s] years and years of life for one chance to touch a nymphet'(88), but that touch kills him. The ÂÅ'satisfaction of [his] pleasure'(175) becomes to him a ÂÅ'monstrous indulgence'(257) he is mortified by the fulfillment of his fantasy. Humbert Humberts tragic conflict deems this ÂÅ'live world'(71) uninhabitable for him. He thought that in the beauty of the world were hid a secret. He thought the worlds heart beat at some terrible cost and that the worlds pain and its beauty moved in a relationship of diverging equity (from All the Pretty Horses, by Cormac McCarthy). The paradox of Humbert Humberts spiritual but depraved love for Lolita, (who is herself a paradox of innocence and seduction), is a tragic testament to this ÂÅ'diverging equity. The worlds opposites abide close beside each other, and exist only at a mutual cost light and darkness, good and evil, love and lust. Near the beginning of the novel, Humbert Humbert states that he and Annabel ÂÅ'were madly, clumsily, shamelessly, agonizingly in love with each other; hopelessly because that frenzy of mutual possession might have been assuaged only by our actually imbibing and assimilating every particle of each others soul and flesh'(12). Similarly, Humbert Humbert and Lolita are casualties consumed by and lost to the greater ÂÅ'immortal'(309) love that only exists at a supreme cost.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The No Child Left Behind Act - 1693 Words
If there is one thing that all American’s can agree on it is that the education provided for our youth serves as the foundation for the continuation and prosperity of our nation’s future. On the smaller scale, the students that live and learn here in the state of California will become our congressmen, doctors, policemen; the future of our great state. The adoption of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) was necessary for improving the education policies in place for the youth in California. For one, it replaced the failing academic system, the No Child Left Behind Act. Second, the CCSS drives students to build deeper conceptual understandings of course material and foster their critical-thinking and analytical skills. Next, the CCSS†¦show more content†¦As a result, school districts were forced to â€Å"dumb down†their standards to ensure students’ success on paper to avoid such labels (Jost, 2010). In addition, teachers would essentially â₠¬Å"teach to the test,†only covering topics their students would be tested on during their annual standardized tests (Jost, 2010). This is a huge problem that America’s youth had encountered. They were being stripped of their chance to be curious and thirsty for knowledge. Rather, they were forced to play the â€Å"grade game†and simply memorize the information they need to receive an A grade. Consequently, NCLB made only slight improvements to students reading and math scores according to the â€Å"nation’s report card, in 2009 (Jost, 2010). Hence, the failing of NCLB has left us with no option than to revise America’s current education system and the CCSS is the best method to do that. Fortunately, the CCSS holds students to a higher standard than those set by NCLB. Students are now turning away from mere memorization and regurgitation of information given to them by their teachers. Instead, they are taught â€Å"standard detail skills and basic concepts that students should master in each grade in mathematics and in the broad realm of English language arts and literacy†(Clemmitt, 2014). The CCSS were created by â€Å"The National Governors Association and the Council of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Humanity the Strive for Perfection - 2019 Words
When you hear the word perfection, what is the first image that pops out of your mind? Is it the bright, shiny, twinkling smile of Ian Somerhalder or is it the sexy body of Megan Fox? Or perhaps is it just the cute face of your crush in one of your classes? Or maybe the simple concept of having complete and functional limbs is enough for you to be considered perfect already. For Merriam Webster, perfection is the freedom from fault or defect – or just plain flawlessness. As for most of the people, they view perfection as someone having a face which resembles a Greek god; or somebody who has immaculately fair, white skin similar to an angel that fell from the heavens. They consider someone perfect if he has the ability to make their jaw†¦show more content†¦If you picked the former, then good for you, pat yourself on the back; if not, then unfortunately, you have a low self-esteem. Low self-esteem is another reason why people intensely strive for perfection. They are n ot confident with their appearances that they still look for numerous ways to improve their features. According to studies in psychology, people tend to move in the direction opposite to the course they want to avoid the most (Radwan, Know Myself). In simpler terms, people strive for perfection because they do not feel perfect; they are not satisfied with the way their faces and curves appear. They feel inferior to others that they do everything just to feel good about their selves, and that is to attain perfection as close as possible. And feeling good about yourself increases your confidence and sense of worth greatly which would cause a glow of pride and satisfaction radiate from your body; and that shining aura of yours would astonish the people around you, making you more respectable than before. Just like in my own experiences, people noticed that I look more confident and happier now when I smile than before I got my braces. My upper teeth were so far from each other like the y had some grudges from the past that I did not know of, so it was sometimes really embarrassing to smile while possessing those teeth. There is also my mother who actually bought a fake tooth worth more than P30, 000 just to show a complete set ofShow MoreRelatedHumanity: the Strive for Perfection2012 Words  | 9 PagesWhen you hear the word perfection, what is the first image that pops out of your mind? Is it the bright, shiny, twinkling smile of Ian Somerhalder or is it the sexy body of Megan Fox? Or perhaps is it just the cute face of your crush in one of your classes? Or maybe the simple concept of having complete and functional limbs is enough for you to be considered perfect already. For Merriam Webster, perfection is the freedom from fault or defect – or just plain flawlessness. 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Having a liberal arts perspective on the debate only weakened his stand against his opponent who took scientificRead MoreNathaniel Hawthorne s The Bi rthmark1476 Words  | 6 PagesBirthmark,†it appears that Aylmer the main character wants to show the world that perfection is not beauty, and he demonstrates this with his wife Georgiana and that science should not alter the way that nature set man on this world to be. Hawthorne was a major asset to the transcendental movement, and this short story is a perfect example why. Nathaniel Hawthorne attempts to show the world the comparison between perfection and beauty mainly by: a psychoanalytic version of the plot and Sigmund Freud’sRead MoreThe Code Of Chivalry By Sir Gawain1503 Words  | 7 Pages2015 Equal Perfection The code of chivalry is an important plot element in Sir Gawain and The Green Knight that constructs ideal characteristics for the court of Camelot under King Arthur’s rule. This code also represents perfection, to which Camelot was described as being close to perfect. Even though never expressly stated within the work, other kinsmen related to Arthur outside Camelot share varying ethics within the code. Clearly The Knight’s code was more than a goal for perfection but also aRead MoreSymbolism In The Birthmark By Nathaniel Hawthorne792 Words  | 4 Pagesâ€Å"The birthmark†, a short story written by Nathaniel Hawthorne in 1844 tells the story of a man obsessed with human perfection. He is a scientist by the name of Aylmer who has recently married a very beautiful woman named Georgina. Although Georgina is a beautiful woman, she has a birthmark in the shape of a tiny hand on her cheek. He sees the birthmark as a flaw and as an opportunity to perfect the alread y beautiful woman he loves. Aylmer, a perfectionist and ambitious scientist becomes obsessed
Black and White Paper free essay sample
There it is. A blank piece of paper, just waiting to be dipped and covered with words, almost like a piece a chocolate before it becomes the actual chocolate. At first the words seem to be lost on the page and, as a result, the page remains blank. But suddenly, as if struck by lightening, an idea appears, and the page satisfyingly fills with rich words. The words pour through, little by little, as if there is a leak in a dam. Then, the words start pushing out faster, and now there is no stopping them. Sentences form and quotations are carefully placed. The words are spontaneous, which makes this piece beautiful. Something is missing though, but what? The paper holds original thought, opinion, and fact; what else could make this paper even more perfect? A sudden glace down at my wrist gives it away. There it sits, almost in a mocking way, wrapping itself around my skinny, fragile wrist. We will write a custom essay sample on Black and White Paper or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page I remember how I got this gift and I remember when. I have had it since I was fifteen years old. The gift did not arrive on any special kind of day, nor any kind of strange or peculiar day. It was just a normal day. As I came home that day, rained poured itself down my cheeks as if I had been crying. No one appears to presently be home. My father, who I can usually find in the kitchen on most days, appears to have left a note. The note states plainly that he has gone to do a small plumbing job. It never states exactly when he will be home, it simply uses the worn out phrase, ‘be home by dinner’. Yes, I had heard that phrase over and over. The problem was I never knew if it was true. It seemed like a lie, something one would say to cover up the real story and not have to go into detail about exactly where they would be. Honestly, I did not care whether he came home or not, but I always kept this thought to myself. I knew my mother would not be here, as she was never, because she was at her job. I try to think about my mom. I cannot manage to picture her face. I knew this was sad to some people, but to me it was just something to shrug my shoulders at. I knew my parents loved me, but I also knew that neither one was ever around. I felt as if my mom, my dad, and I were all leading separate lives. The dinners we spent together were silent and lonely. The clattering of forks and knives against plates seem to be the only chatter in the room. If I managed to get a question out in all of the overbearing silence, it was answered plainly with a â€Å"yes†, â€Å"no†, or ignored and replaced with a â€Å"pass the salt†. I was a strong person, who had known what I wanted to be and where I wanted life to take me since I was ten. I had never had to wish for anything because I had never wanted anything that I could not obtain myself. I only wanted my family to be closer. That night, as my mother came home, threw her bag and coat on a chair, and gave a quick ‘hello’, it almost seemed to me as if she ran into the study. Sighing, and wondering to myself what we would have for dinner, I silently walked into the kitchen. I opened the silverware drawer and pulled out a knife. As my mother came into the kitchen, and as I was reaching up to grab the bread, she held her closed fist out to me. I did not know what to think of this. Upon registering my confused face she replied, â€Å"Close your eyes†. Although hesitant I agreed. I feel tingles like a thousand tiny needles have been poked into my skin. She reaches out to open up my palm and put something in it. As she closes my hand around the object I open my eyes. There in my palm is a bracelet. The bracelet appears to be handmade, and the colors in the bracelet are woven so preciously that it reminds me of the colors of African clothing. She tells me that it is a wish bracelet. As she tie s it around my wrist she tells me to make a wish, and once it falls off, the wish will have come true. At first I do not know if a believe her, but as the pinks, purples, whites and reds combine and entice me, I allow the bracelet to wrest against my plain wrist. As I stare at the colors, hypnotized, I have my wish in mind. Although others try to cram there way forward, I have made a final decision. As the bracelet is now forever tied to my wrist until it decides when it is ready to come off, I hear the front door open and close. It is six o’ clock and my family is home. On this peculiar day, a realization occurred to me; everything I had achieved, and everything I had worked for never required a wish. A wish was simply an easy escape from the reality of facing my fears. I now know that, to obtain something, if wanted strongly enough, does not come without tremendous effort and some complications.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Third Amendment Paper and Case Essay Essay Example
Third Amendment Paper and Case Essay Paper The 3rd amendment provinces that No Soldier shall. in clip of peace be quartered in any house. without the consent of the Owner. nor in clip of war. but in a mode to be prescribed by jurisprudence. This means that no 1 should be evicted because some soldiers want to remain someplace. The soldiers are merely allowed to remain in a person’s abode if the proprietors consent to it. By seting this amendment in The Bill of Rights it limited the power the armed forces could hold. The historical case in points that existed before this amendment was created were that British soldiers were come ining people’s abodes and began to populate at that place. This non merely invaded the people populating the places privacy but it created tenseness and a manner for the soldiers to descry on the enemy. We will write a custom essay sample on Third Amendment Paper and Case Essay specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Third Amendment Paper and Case Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Third Amendment Paper and Case Essay specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer Engblom v. Carey is the lone known and documented instance that violates the 3rd amendment right. Engblom v. Carey was a U. S. tribunal instance decided by the Second Circuit Court of Appeals. Hugh L. Carey was being sued because he evicted province penitentiary functionaries so he could house the National Guard. This was because the functionaries were on work stoppage and the National Guard were functioning as impermanent guards. Though this instance was clearly against Carey he came out on top. I believe that Carey should hold lost the instance because it clearly states in the 3rd amendment that soldiers shall non be quartered in 1s house without the proprietors consent. The instance is the same instance as the instance discussed in place paper one. The ground for that is that there is merely one known instance associating to the 3rd amendment. This amendment does non hold any benefits nor does it hold any drawbacks on today’s society. There are no wars or conflicts being fought today in the U. S. and that gives us no demand to one-fourth soldiers in 1s abode. Since there is no necessity to house soldiers in the U. S. in 1s abode it does non impact me in any manner nor has it affected many others.
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